What's the difference between a property survey and a mortgage inspection report?
I frequently get phone calls from potential clients who need to define their property's bounds for various reasons. Sometimes it is for a new fence, while other times, the boundary survey is a part of a site plan survey for design.
There seems to be a general misperception of what value a property survey brings to a land or homeowner vs. that of a mortgage inspection report/certificate. Of course, the price of any good or service we purchase is always a factor in that ultimate decision. However, it's always a good idea to understand what value will be delivered for the purchase.
In Oklahoma, a Mortgage Inspection Report Varies Greatly From a Boundary Survey...
What does all that mean, and why should I care?
A boundary survey certified by a licensed land surveyor will give you more details about your property...
What does a plat look like?
Each company and surveyor has their own style of conveying what they find in the record deeds, fieldwork, and their professional opinions. However; the minimum standards will dictate what has to be on the plat. These details will likely not be on a mortgage inspection certificate and may be valuable to the client for constructing fences or completing improvements on their property.
On my plats, I try to include as many details as possible, without overwhelming the reader. I also try to ensure that the next surveyor that utilizes my plat can understand my decision-making process.