Mortgage Inspection Certificate

What's a Mortgage Inspection Certificate?

A Mortgage Inspection is ordered by a lender or title insurer (not by a home owner) to help them make decisions during the home purchase process. Although a drawing is provided to the client, be aware that that a mortgage inspection report is not a BOUNDARY SURVEY. A Mortgage Inspection Report is the land surveyor's professional opinion based on the surveyor’s general knowledge of the location of the tract.

According to The State Of Oklahoma Title 245:15-13-4 Mortgage Inspection Reports...

(a) A Professional Land Surveyor may prepare a Mortgage Inspection Report for the use of a specific client based upon their general knowledge of land boundaries and monuments in a given area. Such report shall be prominently labeled 'Mortgage Inspection Report - Not a Land or Boundary Survey' and shall not be designated as, or construed as being, a Land or Boundary Survey. Professional Land Surveyors showing measurements on a mortgage inspection report that are not true representations of the conditions that were found at the time of the inspection will be in violation of the Minimum Standards for the Practice of Land Surveying. The statement furnished on the certificate shall be similar to the following form:

(b) 'This Mortgage Inspection Report was prepared for …(individual or firm)…. It is not a land or boundary survey plat, and it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building or other future improvement lines. The accompanying sketch is a true representation of the conditions that were found at the time of the inspection, and the linear and angular values shown on the sketch, if any, are based on record or deed information and have not been verified unless noted.'