Elevation CertificatesElevation CertificatesWhat is an Elevation Certificate?Elevation Certificates are a valuable tool provided by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). …

What is a Site Plan Survey?

Prism, Map

Generally, a boundary survey, involves investigating, collecting, and evaluating “real property” evidence from recorded, field, and other relevant sources.

What is a Boundary Survey?

Oklahoma Territory

Generally, a boundary survey, involves investigating, collecting, and evaluating “real property” evidence from recorded, field, and other relevant sources.

Why is a Boundary Survey More Expensive than a Mortgage Inspection Certificate?


If you’re in the market to purchase a home or land, you will likely be faced with the following question:Do I need a boundary survey or a mortgage inspection report?The …

Property Survey VS. a Mortgage Inspection Report

What’s the difference between a property survey and a mortgage inspection report?I frequently get phone calls from potential clients who need to define their property’s bounds for various reasons. Sometimes …


Mortgage Inspection CertificateWhat’s a Mortgage Inspection Certificate?A Mortgage Inspection is ordered by a lender or title insurer (not by a home owner) to help them make decisions during the home …


ALTA SurveysWhat’s an ALTA Survey?The American Land and Title Association (ALTA) and National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) have a joint committee that agrees upon a set of standards for …

Do I really need a Boundary Survey

Oklahoma Map

Maps of old are very different from the digital versions we see today. Many things have changed since this 1892 version of the Oklahoma map, but once that property has …


Professional Boundary SurveysLand surveying has a long history that dates back thousands of years. From the Eqyptians in 3000 B.C.E., developing boundary survey techniques to restore plots of land after …